Jim L
At 1:30 AM on November 1, 2020, I woke up with a massive pressure pushing down on my chest and knew that I was suffering from Covid. After five minutes or so, deciding not to go to the hospital because I didn’t want to find myself on a ventilator waving to my grandchildren from a quarantine, I had three bottles of electrocide on my night table and I took the first one. Within twenty minutes, I had no pain or pressure on my chest. I woke up 2 hours or so later and took the second bottle and in the morning took the third. That afternoon or the next I went to a testing center at a CVS in Lantana, I believe, and they confirmed that I had contracted Covid. Since then I have passed two kidney stones without pain. I didn’t even have to go to the doctor. I keep ten bottles on hand at all times and use 1 bottle whenever I have a chest congestion for immediate results. This is the most incredible concept and it makes total sense. I have had friends eliminate UTI’s that they had persistently suffered from for years. My lifelong friend and business associate was diagnosed with prostate cancer early stage and was totally clear, to his doctor’s shocked response, one year later. The mechanism by which it works is totally logical and the results in my case are indisputable. I am 75 years old and I have a BMI of 31.46 (just got back from a doc in a box from an ear wax removal).